Top 8 Rules Of Media Outreach You Cannot Ignore!

In this digital age, there is no dearth of information and with few genuine reporters doing their job well, the task of the media outreach experts can get real tough. Here’s a quick guide as to how the professionals can weave success!

1. Your brand must tell a story and the media outreach experts need to ensure that. Often the press release, media pitches verge on being simple announcements, which do not appeal to the reporters

2. The newsy factor should not be missing from a brand’s story. It should promote interest, must not be a rehash of an old story because a reporter’s main aim is to sell your story, and if your brand story is deprived of the newsy element, then it is going to see the red flag!

3. You must realize the context of the story of your brand and have your expectation and goals based on what you have stepped out to do!

4. Timing is very crucial and if there is something sensational on the national or international level already creating a stir, why not hold your story for some time! Know the time when you should come out with your brand’s story!

5. Targeting the media in real sense is the key. The relevant factor of the story is everything and the PR team that you hire must sort this out and then send the pitch to the reporter.

6. Journalists are busy personalities. You might have shoot a mail narrating a brand’s story and a reporter might have seen it, but somehow missed to get back to you. In such a case, you can follow up once or twice. But if there is no response from the other end even after consistent follow-ups, do not harass with a queue of follow-ups.

7. Media is not your cure-all medicine. You must understand that the fate of a story depends on its value, on the time it hits the audience, and how it is going to be received by the target audience- these factors cannot be judged well in advance.

8. Make an effective use of social media, find your people or target audience in various social networking platforms. If you have a product or service to sell, make a good use of Facebook, Twitter, blogs and more.
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